I know that I'm an inconsistent blogger. I know that my posts sometimes don't make sense... or they aren't interesting... or whatever. But I miss blogging.
I'm not going to make any crazy goals about how often I will post on here, but I need to do it more often. It's therapeutic, which is something that I really need lately.
About 3 weeks ago, I was hired for a full-time teaching position at a wonderful preschool called Primrose.
I work with sweet little ones who are between 2-3 years old. I love them, and I love my job! But I would be lying if I said that it wasn't stressful. I drive an hour each way to get to work, which brings my daily away-from-home time to 11 hours (when you add in my lunch hour). This time away from home means that I'm very tired (and usually grumpy!!) when I do get home. Since I can't take it out on my husband... I'll just blog!
Until tomorrow!