Happy 2014!
I sincerely hope that everyone had a wonderful night last night, full of fun and friends and family!
I've been thinking about my goals for this year for the past few weeks. What are some things that I want to change about myself? my home? my life?
I think that I have come up with a pretty comprehensive list, and I am excited to share it (i
f only for accountability purposes!). Most of my goals have a specific time frame, but I don't have goals for each month of the year. A girl can only do so much, right? So, without further ado, here are my 2014 Goals!
Overall Goals
Write 4 blog posts per week
Attract new blog followers (like you!)
Continue to pay off our stupid debt
Save (a specific amount of money) from each paycheck for Christmas
Purge my house of all clutter. Clean out closets, cabinets, dresser drawers, and under the bed. Wash all bedding, pillows, curtains, furniture covers, etc. Put all excess things (i.e. clutter) in garage for a yard sale at the beginning of summer.
Try a new recipe 3 nights out of every week. Make a simple recipe book with the winners!
Drop 2 pants sizes (by March, not during!)
Have a wonderful vacation in Disney World!
Finish crocheting an entire adult-sized blanket. (I have started doing this many, many times but never finished. Now, it's a goal)!
Plan a giant yard sale. (Maybe include other families in our neighborhood!) Use the money from the sale to further pay off debts.
Have credit card fully paid off.
Reread the entire Harry Potter series. I've read the series over a dozen times, so it isn't really as crazy as it sounds!
Begin teaching in an elementary school (prayerfully back home, where I grew up!).
Have all Christmas shopping done (except big-ticket items) before Thanksgiving.
And there we have it! I am hoping that having these goals written here will keep me accountable! I love the feeling of being able to cross things off of a list, so this should come in really handy. I am very hopeful that the Fletchers will have a happy and successful 2014!
Happy New Year, everyone!