Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why "My Yellow Life?"

When I first considered making a blog, I spent a few days thinking about what to name it. I wanted the name to be reflective of what the blog is about (which is what, again? Who even knows yet!), but cute and creative. I had a few good ideas, but they were all taken by others (who obviously have wonderful taste). I Googled tips for picking out a great name, but the results were less than helpful. I knew that when I thought of the right name, I'd know it.
It came to me when I was sitting in the school library doing my math systems homework (or pinning to Pinterest... you know how it is). I was just thinking about how much I love the color yellow- it was one of my wedding accent colors, and I sort of fell in love with it.
I guess I think of my life as a yellow life just because yellow reminds me of so many great things.  Sunshine, daisies, butter, mellow (Harry Potter? Anyone?).  Golden retrievers, lemons, macaroni and cheese. I also love yellow Sharpie highlighters, crayons, and balloons. The teacher in me also loves yellow #2 pencils, of course! It's such a cheerful color.

The only bad yellow thing I can think of is mustard- but that's for another post. :)

My goal is to live a yellow, happy life. What color is your life?

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