Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Centipede HORROR

Yesterday, I experienced the horror of all horrors...

There was a centipede in my bathroom.

I am fully aware that this doesn't sound like a huge deal. Unfortunately, it really was. 

(Here is where I was going to post a Google centipede picture, but I almost threw up when I searched for a picture and I will NOT put one on my blog!)

It all started when I woke up in the morning. My first stop is always the bathroom, and I'm usually stumbling around half-awake until after my shower. When I went into the bathroom, there was something brown scurrying all over the floor! I shoved on my glasses and SCREAMED. Husband (who had just been sound asleep) came running in, but by that time the demon had escaped to under the bathroom sink.

Yes, the bathroom sink, in front of which I spend 85% of my morning.

Husband was trying to assure me that it was gone for good, that it was probably more scared than me, that they are completely harmless, etc. (By the way, I don't think any of those things are true!)

I wore his shoes for the rest of the morning.

Last night when we were going to bed, I asked Husband, "What if it comes into bed with us?!" To which he replied, "Don't worry... I think I killed it earlier." (Yeah... right.) I didn't believe him and made me go out to the living room to show me exactly where he killed it. He picked his socks up off of the living room floor (typical) and showed me the bottom of one of them... which had a bunch of little legs on it.


Unfortunately, now everything I see is a centipede. Every dust bunny, scrap piece of paper, and crumb looks like one, and I'm seriously terrified. I really think that I may have a new phobia... but we'll see. For now, though, I'll just keep jumping at everything and scanning each room before I walk into it.

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