Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My 2012 Bucket List

I've decided to make some changes around here.

As is obvious from reading some of my previous blog entries, I have not been a happy camper lately. I've been blaming everyone and everything, but not taking any responsibility myself. That's about to change.

I've come up with a list of short-term goals I want to accomplish by the end of this year. Doing this, I think, will help inspire me to not be such a drag all the time. It certainly isn't all-inclusive, and I'm sure I'll add to it, but these are definitely things I want to accomplish by 11:59PM on December 31!

1. Graduate from college!

2. Receive my teaching license.

3. Develop my very own recipe for... something.

4. Run a mile without stopping.

5. Throw a party- a real one, not just a friend get-together!

6. Pay off my credit card.

7. Work my way up to 100 blog posts... eek!

8. Be able to do a split. (Why not?)

So there is it... my first list! I'll keep adding to it, promise!

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