Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Christmas!

This morning was not a good morning.

My hair wouldn't curl, I was running late, and I didn't get to drink my coffee. And it's been pouring down rain all day.

So I skipped class and went shopping. (Stop judging me.)

I had planned on buying some new clothes, but the stores I wanted didn't open until 10:00 and I had about 45 minutes to kill. I went into Pat Catan's (a favorite craft store) to look around until the clothes stores opened... and it was Christmas inside!

(Doesn't baby Jesus look a little like a monkey in this one?!)

 Even I have to admit that it's probably a little too early to be putting out Christmas decorations, but it was definitely what I needed to see on this awful morning!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

True Confessions

1. I am absolutely terrified of being alone in the dark. Mostly it's only outside that scares me, but I have been known to sleep with the hall light on when I'm home alone. I'm also completely afraid of June bugs.

3. I am addicted to Chap Stick. My newest favorite is Green Apple flavored. It tastes just like candy!

4. I still sleep with my stuffed bunny sometimes. Husband doesn't like to cuddle, and I do, so Bunny it is!

5. I can't wait to be a teacher, but it scares me to death! Being responsible for so many kids' education is a little intimidating!

6. When I was 4 years old, I told everyone that I was Vada from the movie My Girl. I wouldn't respond to anything else! I also formed a Ponytail Club because Vada's hair was always in a ponytail. It was a very exclusive club.

7. I've thought about going to cosmetology school to become a hair stylist, but I guess it wouldn't make sense to have earned a $100,000 (no joke) Education degree if I'm not going to use it!

I'm sure I'll have more to add to this soon. For now, I'm going to watch The Avengers with Husband and his friends! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vegetable Beef Stew!

You guys! I made vegetable beef stew tonight, and let me tell you- it was delicious!

(By the way, I don't even like vegetables or beef... but it was still SO good.)

I didn't use a recipe, but I know what I used. I guess that means that I have my own recipe?

Here it is!

Vegetable Beef Stew
1 lb. stew meat
1 bag frozen veggies (I used a mix of corn, peas, and green beans)
4 chopped potatoes
1 can beef broth
1 bottle vegetable juice (V8 or similar)
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. season salt
1 tsp. garlic
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. cinnamon
Assorted other spices to taste

(I know it's complicated, but stay with me!)
Dump everything into a Crock Pot. Stir well and cook for 7 hours.
Toward the end, I added 1 cup of sharp cheddar cheese to the top and stirred it in.

So good!

Husband and I both had a bowl (with grilled cheese!), and we only ate about 1/4 of what I made. I plan on freezing the rest so we can thaw it out and have it again!

My next project will be chicken noodle soup... I'll keep you updated on how it goes!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, Monday.

Mondays are always rough. I have 6 hours of class with no breaks in-between. Then, I have around an hour until I have to go to work for 3 more hours. The job is simple, but it requires concentration and focus. Monday night is also our designated date night, so Mr. Husband and I usually watch a movie or go out for ice cream afterward.

It's exhausting!

Luckily, it's right between Sunday (a lazy day) and Tuesday (when I'm done for the day at 10:10AM).

A wonderful thing about today is the mail I got! I'm one of those crazy people who signs up for free samples of anything and everything. Some of the things I get are given away, but I also get lots of useful things! Today, for example, I got 3 things:

1. Two Breathe Right nose strips (which will be useful since I know I'm getting sick!)
2. A luggage tag from, where I like to give reviews of places I've visited and stayed
3. A wedding card for my best friend from I get several newsletters in my email inbox every day, and one of them had a code for a free card! It's super cute and I can guarantee that nobody else will be giving the same card.

In the past, I've gotten free magazine subscriptions, hair products, makeup samples, and a free tube of deodorant! It's so fun to look in the mail every day. If you're interested in finding out more, I can post the names of the newsletters I get!

What's good about your Monday? :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why "My Yellow Life?"

When I first considered making a blog, I spent a few days thinking about what to name it. I wanted the name to be reflective of what the blog is about (which is what, again? Who even knows yet!), but cute and creative. I had a few good ideas, but they were all taken by others (who obviously have wonderful taste). I Googled tips for picking out a great name, but the results were less than helpful. I knew that when I thought of the right name, I'd know it.
It came to me when I was sitting in the school library doing my math systems homework (or pinning to Pinterest... you know how it is). I was just thinking about how much I love the color yellow- it was one of my wedding accent colors, and I sort of fell in love with it.
I guess I think of my life as a yellow life just because yellow reminds me of so many great things.  Sunshine, daisies, butter, mellow (Harry Potter? Anyone?).  Golden retrievers, lemons, macaroni and cheese. I also love yellow Sharpie highlighters, crayons, and balloons. The teacher in me also loves yellow #2 pencils, of course! It's such a cheerful color.

The only bad yellow thing I can think of is mustard- but that's for another post. :)

My goal is to live a yellow, happy life. What color is your life?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


College makes people tired. We stay up late to study, watch movies, and go to Taco Bell. We wake up early for class, and then we spend all day hanging out and "studying" (in other words, get on Facebook and Pinterest). This was my life for 4 years.

Marriage, though, has made me a completely different kind of tired. I now have no problem waking up at 6:30AM to go for a run, but don't ask me to stay up past 10:30PM unless you want me to laugh in your face. I have all the energy in the world to clean my entire apartment throughout the day, but fall asleep when we have friends over to watch movies at night.

My conclusion is that I have turned into an old, boring lady.

But the husband is cute... so I don't even mind! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Notes to self

Ugh... it seems like I'm already slacking in the blog department. I promise it isn't true! I don't have internet access at my apartment. (Plus all of my neighbors password protected their WiFi... what's up with that?! Don't they know I have blogging to do?)

I'm still trying to decide what kind of blog I want this to become. I have some ideas for posts, but... umm... I have approximately zero followers. I want to save the good stuff for when people will actually see it, of course!

So anyway. Lately, I've noticed that a lot of my thoughts have started with the words "Note to self..." I decided that the best place to write these things down, where I would best remember, is on the internet! Here are just a few-

-Note to self: don't get groceries when it is raining. You will get wet.
-Note to self: Saturday morning is the best time to go for a run (if you look disgusting and don't want anyone to see you).
-Note to self: Before deciding what to wear, check to make sure your legs are shaved.

(Have you ever looked up the phrase "note to self" on Twitter? So funny!)

I guess that's all for tonight. I'm working on following more blogs and, of course, trying to get more (read: ANY) followers!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I have a blog?!

Well, this is the third blog that I've ever had. The first one was started but never written on, and the second one had a really great first post... and then no more. Third time's a charm... right?

My name is Rebecca. I'm a newlywed college student, craft enthusiast, and future teacher. I decided to start a blog because I have recently been inspired by so many others' blogs! I plan to share nuggets of my life, as well as pictures and other little things that I love. To start out, here are 3 quick tidbits about me!
1. I am currently in my 5th year of college. (Super Senior!) Somewhere along my college experience, I wanted to add a minor to my already-full coursework, so I took a few extra classes. It put me a semester behind where I should be, but I don't mind because...

2. I met my husband in class! (Yes, one of the ones I chose to take.) Our professor loves to tell the story of how we were on opposite ends of the classroom at the beginning of the semester, but then he slowly started moving back until he was next to me. So cute!

3. I am a Christian. I almost hesitate to say it, because the word has been skewed by the actions of some who claim it, but I will never apologize for it. Don't worry, though. I'm not into shoving my beliefs down other people's throats!

That's all until tomorrow, I think. 
Happy Saturday!

PS- Please excuse my messy construction- I'm still trying to get this Blogger thing figured out!