Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Here I am again!

Check me out! Two days in a row! This is some sort of  record for me, I think.

I got some news yesterday about the job I was hoping for... and that news was that they gave the job to someone else. I won't even have the chance to interview. Let's just say that it was the perfect addition to a horrible morning. Also, the kitchen sink pipes leaked all over the floor, I got stuck behind a semi truck on a detour on my way to work, and my hair was flat. I mean, it was SO flat.

But, I don't have work today! I got up early to go grocery shopping and now I'm watching The Office on Netflix. I plan on doing some cleaning later. Is it weird that cleaning my house relaxes me?

Yeah, it's weird.

Other things that relax me are-

Baking cookies
Browsing Pinterest (duh)
Playing with Leia
Watching Netflix (currently The Office)
Driving with no destination
Thrift store shopping

Also weird.


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