Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Christmas!

This morning was not a good morning.

My hair wouldn't curl, I was running late, and I didn't get to drink my coffee. And it's been pouring down rain all day.

So I skipped class and went shopping. (Stop judging me.)

I had planned on buying some new clothes, but the stores I wanted didn't open until 10:00 and I had about 45 minutes to kill. I went into Pat Catan's (a favorite craft store) to look around until the clothes stores opened... and it was Christmas inside!

(Doesn't baby Jesus look a little like a monkey in this one?!)

 Even I have to admit that it's probably a little too early to be putting out Christmas decorations, but it was definitely what I needed to see on this awful morning!


  1. Hi there! Stopping by from the blog hop and wanted tell you how cute your blog is. I love yellow!!

    I think it's crazy how early the stores start putting out the Christmas stuff, but I really kind of like it. Christmas is my fav time of year!!

    1. Christmas is my favorite, too! Actually, one of my favorite things to do on Halloween is stay up past midnight and watch TV, because at 12:01am November 1, the Christmas commercials start! :)

  2. Thanks for linking up! I just posted about Christmas this any ideas for me????

  3. It's so true! I work at Jo-Ann and we're just starting to get all of our Christmas decorations out. It's better than Hobby Lobby who starts in July! Just found your lovely blog and can't wait to see more from you. :)

    1. I haven't been to Hobby Lobby since May, but I might have to go back soon! I can't get enough of all of the Christmas spirit! Haha. :)
